More than a dog

“Farmily”, especially the furry kind, has been at the heart of Daisymoon Designs since its beginning. Over the years, Daisy adopted many rescued animals and turned to her creative interests to try to raise money to help feed and care for them all. This is obviously a genetic trait as Ben and I rehomed our own doggy daughter, Sasha, in February. She immediately became a firm member of both our family and the Moon Team.

Sasha is a one of a kind dog. In fact, I’m not even sure she is a dog. I’m not religious or spiritual really, but I honestly believe that she was sent to us. Ben had talked about getting a dog for a while, whereas I had been a bit hesitant. I had grown up in a household of cats and was always a little nervous around unfamiliar dogs. A friend of mine was volunteering as a dog walker at Cardiff Dog Home and my heartstrings were tugged when he posted a photo of an extremely elderly “Edith.”

Edith had been found wandering and was the saddest dog I had ever seen. She was described as confused, weak and in need of some love and gentle care for however long she had left. I knew that we had to help. We were, and still are, pretty much hermits - we live and work on the Farm and, in the age of COVID, very rarely leave, so would have been ideally situated to take care of her all the time. We reached out to the dog home and began a back and forth of phone conversations, emails and anxiety working out how we could make things better for her.

We went and bought food, blankets, toys and made our home as dog friendly as we could. Then came a call- Edith’s owner had been found. She had escaped when they had been taken into hospital and, although they were unable to take care of her at the moment, wanted her back when they were well enough. We had a weird mix of happiness, relief, concern and sadness. She would be reunited with her person and be somewhere familiar, which surely would be a good thing, but she was so unwell when she was found. Was her owner able to care for her in the way that she needed now? Even though I had never met her, she had stolen a piece of my heart, and I was determined to try to do the best thing for her. We told the dog home that we would provide respite for her until she could be reunited with her owner, and plans began to be set in motion…

Then came the worst call. Edith had passed. It broke my heart to think that she had been so confused, so poorly, so lost and even more so, that her person wasn’t with her in her last moments. We cried for them both, began to pack up the things we had bought and prepared to carry on as a human only household. However, this wasn’t to last long. The very next morning, another unexpected phone call from the shelter, another elderly dog who needed a home.

Photos of Sasha pinged into my messages throughout the week, and, by the weekend, she was sat in the back of Daisy’s Jeep, on the way to the Farm and her forever home. She was clearly as thrilled as we were and serenaded us beautifully throughout the journey (something she still loves doing now!) She immediately made herself at home, and from the very first tail wag, we were in love. She settled both into our hearts (and onto our sofa) instantly. I firmly believe that, in some cosmic way, Edith had led us to her, and for that, she will always have a special place in our story.

This week has been hard as Sasha hasn’t been very well. We’ve been backwards and forwards to the vet with her, and things have been on hold as we panicked, cried and tried to do the best thing for her. Thankfully, she seems to be on the mend and back to herself- not really a dog, but a member of our Farmily.

Lizzie x

1 comment

  • Fantastic news that Sasha is on the mend, the moon family are true animals lovers and always put the animals first 🥰


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